Saturday, July 7, 2007

A Natural

I just have to post real quick on what an amazing woman Lisa is. She has totally blown me away by the way she has picked up on this whole mommy thing. Miles is so blessed to have a mommy who is so willing to give up everything to provide and care for him. It is like she has been doing this all of her life! Watching her bring Miles into this world this week has opened up a whole new chamber of love in my heart for her. This picture above is my favorite picture yet. When Miles came out, he got off to a slow start. He didn't breathe at all for a couple of minutes after he came out...and Lisa was behind a curtain and couldn't see any of it. After what seemed like an eternity of the nurses giving him oxygen and trying to get him going, he made a little peep. Obviously, it was scary for all of us. This picture is after they got him breathing. I just love to look at Lisa's expression of relief and joy as she saw him for the very first time. For 10 months she had wondered what he would look like, worried for his health, and longed to meet him...and in that moment it all came together. I will never forget it as long as I live!


Gram said...

This is so touching and so exciting!
This picture is a reflection of the heart of a mom- no matter how old your kids are when they come thru an ordeal tears of joy & relief flow-it is one of the mysteries of parenthood.
Josh, welcome to "wort world"- for those of you who read the comments Josh calls me wort, short for worry wort! Actually it is not worry as much as it is hurting with and for them! & also rejoicing with them.
How about it Moms?

& by the way- Josh you are a pretty awesome Daddy too. We are blessed to have great kids & kids in law!

Lindsay said...

That is beautiful!It is crazy how much love you feel for these little guys!I totally get and understand looking back on how much my parents worried about us.It is so true that saying that from the moment you give birth you wear your heart outside of your body!What a beautiful memory- and you have it captured in a picture!