Friday, August 17, 2007


Okay, nobody actually prepared me for what happened today. Lisa and I were hanging out in our bed this morning, playing with Miles, when he looked up at me and did the most amazing thing I have ever seen - he smiled at me. Apparently this type of activity started a couple of days ago with Lisa, but I hadn't witnessed it yet...until today.

Miles officially has his parents wrapped around his finger after that one. I think he will pretty much get anything that he asks for from here on out. All he has to do is flash those pink gums at his daddy and I won't be able to say no! In fact, I think I am going to go buy him a car tomorrow!

In other news, Miles weighed in at 10 pounds, 14 ounces yesterday. The boy has been gaining weight to the tune of an ounce a day for the last few weeks! He definitely takes after his father in the eating category. Failure to thrive is not an issue with this little chunker!

Here are a couple of pictures for your (my) enjoyment!

Pictures are courtesy of Papa Greg. If that preaching thing doesn't work out, I think he could make a career in photography!


Lindsay said...

YES! a new post!Those are some beautiful pictures! Thats so great he is smiling..wait until he will be the best sound you ever heard!

Jessica said...

Yeah. Lindsay beat me to it. Since we saw you the other day, Josh. L & I think we need to spur you on for more frequent posts. How about 2 times a week at least.
And yes, if "Papa" gives up the preaching (which would break our hearts) he rocks at pictures. And oh my goodness the smiling... You are going to love the next few months so much.

Gram said...

I've been checking to see new stuff!
Your blog is like a good book, you can't put down and you're disappointed when it ends. I love to look at Miles- he is such a handsome lad, and he is blessed with loving parents. Really,
Bless you, love yall so much,